‘This Video File Cannot Be Played’ is one common case for many pc users or data recovery engineers.
1, The most possible reason is that the CCTV DVR video players the users use don’t support the CCTV DVR videos properly. Most video players available on the internet claim they can be used for DVR DVR videos but actually they cannot. Users should not use common video players to play the CCTV DVR videos but must use professional CCTV DVR video player such as Dolphin DVR Player;
2, The CCTV DVR data recovery software tools the users use are not professional and many necessary fragmented video files are not recovered at all, users must use professional CCTV DVR data recovery software tools such as Dolphin DVR Pro.Business Version to make sure all lost CCTV DVR fragmented video files are recovered;
3, The CCTV DVR videos are corrupted, not completed or some of the fragmented video files are overwritten;
4, The CCTV DVR videos recovered don’t contain video streams;
Dolphin DVR Pro. has been upgraded to repair both standard(MP4, 3GP, MOV) and also CCTV DVR raw videos(DAV). All users need to do is to select the video repair module and then select the video format and then the program can start the auto video repair progress.